Wednesday, April 29, 2009

San Diego Border Patrol 32 4122 50 N 117 0403 48 W

San Diego is one of the border cities who has border patrol. Border patrol usually takes care of the illegal immigrants and tries to stop them entering the United States. Their job is to watch for the immigrants and how i said to prevent them getting in the states. This is not the case of two brothers who worked as a border patrol. They were convicted of helping smuggling illegal immigrants in the country. Also they were convicted of taking bribes from them. As we can see people from USA help to smuggle people for their own good. Corruption is everywhere, even in the ones we trust the most- our law enforcements. Corruption can be coming in or going out, and Latin America and the Carribien is the one area that corruption is not hidden and its obvious that not the right stuff is happening on the USA/ Mexico border.

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