Thursday, April 30, 2009

Business corruption Nicaragua 12 5155 50 N 85 1226 02 W

Nicaragua is between Honduras which is north of it and south of it is San Jose. Another Latin country with cases of corruption. Large corrupt judicial system is widely believed that is serving to the country politicians for their own good. In report in Nicaragua 32% of the companies state that they bribe people in order they to "get things done". It is believed that corruption has large negative impact and people survey states that people give an average grade of 3.9 out of 5 that corruption runs businesses and 1 is least corrupt and 5 is extremely corrupt. It also states that companies should be prepared to deal with corruption when " interacting with registry and permit services", for example when applying for construction and operating services, opening a phone lines for new companies as well. Also applying for public utilities such as water and electricity.

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