Thursday, April 30, 2009

Business corruption Nicaragua 12 5155 50 N 85 1226 02 W

Nicaragua is between Honduras which is north of it and south of it is San Jose. Another Latin country with cases of corruption. Large corrupt judicial system is widely believed that is serving to the country politicians for their own good. In report in Nicaragua 32% of the companies state that they bribe people in order they to "get things done". It is believed that corruption has large negative impact and people survey states that people give an average grade of 3.9 out of 5 that corruption runs businesses and 1 is least corrupt and 5 is extremely corrupt. It also states that companies should be prepared to deal with corruption when " interacting with registry and permit services", for example when applying for construction and operating services, opening a phone lines for new companies as well. Also applying for public utilities such as water and electricity.

Fort Benning School of the Americas 32 2132 91 N 84 5821 49 W

The school of the Americas is located in Fort Benning, GA. The purpose of the school is to train militaristic strategies to it's students/ solders. Spanish speaking Latin American trainees are brought here to be more familiarized with United States militaristic strategies. The students are there in order to help their countries national defenses and infrastructures. Controversies in the early 1990's have brought about accusations of graduated students committing human rights violations in their countries. One case in El Salvador, "48 out of 69 Salvadoran military members cited in the U.N. Truth Commission's report on El Salvador for involvement in human rights violations (including 19 of 27 military members implicated in the 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests)." After all The School is located in US and what are we supposed to think? We thought them all those techniques and now they are over people for their own good.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

San Diego Border Patrol 32 4122 50 N 117 0403 48 W

San Diego is one of the border cities who has border patrol. Border patrol usually takes care of the illegal immigrants and tries to stop them entering the United States. Their job is to watch for the immigrants and how i said to prevent them getting in the states. This is not the case of two brothers who worked as a border patrol. They were convicted of helping smuggling illegal immigrants in the country. Also they were convicted of taking bribes from them. As we can see people from USA help to smuggle people for their own good. Corruption is everywhere, even in the ones we trust the most- our law enforcements. Corruption can be coming in or going out, and Latin America and the Carribien is the one area that corruption is not hidden and its obvious that not the right stuff is happening on the USA/ Mexico border.

Tijuana Maquiladora coruption 32 3205 34 N 117 0237 71 W

Maquiladora's factories are well known in Mexico. Workers move from their homes and their home cities to go and work in the factories. They do so, because Maquiladora factories give out better pay, which is very low to the American, but higher than the Mexican. We have learned that sometimes workers in Mexico get $11 an hour, so they work for the factories, which is still unfair for the workers, because of the conditions. It is corrupt how factories are build in Mexico, they are using the cheap labor and when everything is done their way, they dump their trash and leave the place with unpaid to the workers labor. After all this is done, the factories are moved to China where the labor is even cheaper and eventually the same situation will repeat it self. The movement of the factories is not fair and corrupt for the workers.

Mexico Coruption Police Sampling- 19 2438 02 N 99 0750 12 W

It is well know in Mexico that the most corrupt city is Mexico city. High figures, lawyers, and especially police forces. People are worried because instead being more secure around the law forces they are more scared and they don't know where the situation will lead to. It is also well known American citizens have gotten out of trouble with offering a money to a police forces instead of a ticket. Another big issue in Mexico city is the drugs and the drug cartels. There is a good amount of police officers involved in it as well. They get money from the cartels so they can close their eyes for certain things and helping them to not get captured with the drugs. All of that is because of low standard of living and everyone is trying to survive and the best way for them is corruption.